Development of a Waste Water Free and Material Saving Method to Remove Polymer and Wax Coatings from Floor Coverings
AiF 11067 N
Aim of the research project is the ascertainment of economical and safe process conditions of the pellet jet spray technique applied for the removal of worn-out care film layers from layered floorings without damage and a secure removal of the formed dust by a vacuum technique. Besides constructional data also recommendations for process parameters shall be developed.
The first test series were directed to the optimisation and adaptation of the chosen appliance. Dew point temperature and flow of pressurised air as well as of the abrasion means had to be regulated and controlled in a reasonable way.
The prediction derived from preliminary short tests were confirmed documenting that the technique can be used to remove acrilate polymer and wax layers on resilient floor coverings. Additionally it was found that in principal with few exception all flooring could be treated by the dry ice jet technique without relevant damage so that they can be regarded as unrestrictedly cleanable. Exception are soft wooden materials and certain stone flooring where abrasion is observed.
Flooring samples layered with commercial floor care detergents based on waxes and polyacrilates, but also those filmed with polyurethane during production were treated by a basic cleaning process with . It is possible to remove worn-out polyacrilates and waxes by conventional method, however at the costs of high water demands and high ecological impact, the removal of polyurethane is impossible. The dry ice technique led to a total removal of all of these layers.
Further studies have to improve the economy by increasing the amount of square meters cleaned per hour. To do this parameter influences like distance jet/floor, jet geometry, working speed, degree of superposition, vacuum removal of the formed dust have to be investigated and optimised.
The research project (AiF-RP-No. 11067) was supported from the budget of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs through the Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen “Otto von Guericke” e.V. (AiF) (Association of Industrial Research Organisations). We would like to thank all funding organisations.
The research report is available on request from FRT.