Development of a Mobile System for the Determination of the Slip Resistance on Floors under Operating Conditions in order to Optimize the Cleaning and Care Methods According to the New BGR 181
AiF 14619 N
According to information of the German Accident Prevention & Insurance Association more than 255.000 work accidents are caused by stumbling, slipping or falling. The resulting costs are about 330 million €/a. In order to avoid these accidents various informations respectively rules were published by the professional association. One of the most important publications is the latest edition of BGR 181 “Floors in working rooms and working areas with slip danger” (October 2003). This standard obligatory fixes different kinds of slipping classes for floors in different areas with various slipping risks as well as a testing procedure for determination of slip resistance. But the testing procedure (DIN 51130) is a stationary test method, where test panels walk on an inclined plane and determine the slip resistance of the floor to be tested (ramp test).
In the past, the lack of a mobile testing procedure which correlates to the testing procedure according to DIN 51130 existed. Therefore the maintenance cleaning enterprises had no possibility to measure and document cleaning and care quality on the spot immediately after finishing the cleaning. Therefore it was target of the project to develop a mobile step simulator with respect to BGR 191.
For evaluation of slip resistance floorings which represent practise and show different slip resistance classes were selected: elastic floorings, laminate, unglazed tiles (with/without displacement space) and granite (surface C 120 grinding).
They were characterised concerning slip resistance with respect to soilings water (incl. detergent acc. to DIN 51131), sand, oil (acc. to DIN 51130) and dust. The slip resistance measurements are carried out by a developed and built mobile step simulator. Based on this method optimum cleaning and care processes were defined. Finally a functional matrix for the selection of suitable cleaning and care processes – depending on the slip resistance class – was elaborated.
We thank the Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungvereinigungen e.V. (AiF) (Association of Industrial Research Organisations) for funding the project AiF 14619 N through a financial support by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs.
The research report is available on request from FRT.