Mobile system for improving the cleaning properties of elastic floorings by functionalisation with low temperature atmospheric plasma
IGF 16259 N
In the last years certain elastic floorings (e. g. PVC and Linoleum) partly were provided during manufacturing with additional surface coatings based mostly on polyurethane (PUR) in order to improve soiling-, cleaning- and wear properties. However, some problems occured in practice. Numerous customers complained for example about the low abrasion resistance of those coatings. The cleaning service enterprises could not improve this situation as polymeric care coatings did not adhere effectively to those PUR-coated floorings. The cleaning service enterprises were thus not able to offer an optimized maintenance for PUR-coated floorings although those floorings represent an important market potential. Therefore there was demand for new cleaning and care methods. These methods should improve the cleaning properties of elastic floorings within the regular cleaning procedure by facilitating the application of temporary coatings. The solution investigated within the research project was the functionalization of elastic floorings by means of low temperature atmospheric plasma. The plasma treatment (applied after stripping) caused an increase of the surface energy and of the adhesion of polymeric care coatings.
The IGF-project 16259 N of the research association Europäische Forschungsgemeinschaft Reinigungs- und Hygienetechnologie e.V., Campus Fichtenhain 11, D-47807 Krefeld, was supported via the AiF within the funding programme „Industrielle Gemeinschaftsforschung und –entwicklung (IGF)“ by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Technology (BMWi) due to a decision of the German Parliament.
The research report is available on request from FRT.