
Re­search on the Clean­ing Abil­i­ty of Re­silient Floor Cov­er­ings Through the Char­ac­ter­i­sa­tion of the Sur­face Prop­er­ties to Fa­cil­i­tate the Se­lec­tion of Op­ti­mal Clean­ing and Main­te­nance Meth­ods

AiF 10001 N


Build­ing main­te­nance com­pa­nies are re­cent­ly con­front­ed with a lot of new de­vel­op­ments which are of neg­a­tive ef­fect for the eco­nom­i­cal­ly in­ter­est­ing daily main­te­nance ser­vices. There are sig­nif­i­cant changes in the sub­strates used for re­silient floor­ings, high­er amounts of re­cy­cled poly­mers, ap­pli­ca­tion care film lay­ers dur­ing pro­duc­tion, de­creas­ing per­cep­tion of poly­mer films and care film re­moval stages as well as re­quired re­for­mu­la­tion of the care aids. Clean­ing and care prop­er­ties of the floor­ings are changed there­by. An ap­pro­pri­ate se­lec­tion of the clean­ing tech­nique and an offer of op­ti­mum clean­ing and care for­mu­las based on ac­ces­si­ble data could help to re­duce aris­ing prob­lems.

Aim of the re­search pro­ject was the im­prove­ment of the of daily clean­ing pro­cess­es by ob­jec­tive­ly de­ter­minable data which give an in­for­ma­tion on prop­er­ties of the sur­face to be cleaned and also about in­ter­re­la­tion be­tween these data and the clean­abil­i­ty.

The achieved re­sults showed that the wet­ting prop­er­ties which are eas­i­ly ac­ces­si­ble by con­tact angle mea­sure­ments give suf­fi­cient in­for­ma­tion about soil- and clean­abil­i­ty. With the knowl­edge of these data ap­pro­pri­ate film­ing can be cho­sen. It is also pos­si­ble to pre­dict the min­i­mum amount of the film poly­mer tak­ing into re­gard the ex­pect­ed wear. Mul­ti­ple film­ing is ad­van­ta­geous. The op­ti­mum num­ber of treat­ments which leads to soil re­pel­lence and re­moval in­de­pen­dent of the floor sub­strate can be pre-de­ter­mined

The in­ter­re­la­tions found allow to min­imise the amount clean­ing and care aids to be used. Ad­di­tion­al­ly floor­ings can be op­ti­mised with re­gard to clean­abil­i­ty. Both ef­fects in­crease the econ­o­my of daily floor care.


We would like to thank the Ar­beits­ge­mein­schaft In­dus­trieller Forschungsvere­ini­gun­gen “Otto von Gu­er­icke” e.V. (As­so­ci­a­tion of In­dus­tri­al Re­search Or­gan­i­sa­tions) [AiF] for the fi­nan­cial sup­port of the reasearch pro­ject (AiF 10001 N) fund­ed by the bud­get of the Fed­er­al Min­istry of Eco­nom­ic Af­fairs.


The re­search re­port is avail­able on re­quest from FRT.

The pro­ject was sup­port­ed by the Fed­er­al Min­istry of Eco­nom­ic Af­fairs and Cli­mate Ac­tion due to a de­ci­sion of the Ger­man Bun­des­tag.