Optimising Floor Care Processes to Reduce Slip Resistance Problems of Floorings – Development of a Reasonable Slippage Test Method
AiF 11754 N
The aim of this project was the optimisation of cleaning and care methods for floor coverings with regard to slip resistance and the development of an appropriate testing method. Different floor coverings were characterised with regard to slip resistance. For this purpose, the coefficients of sliding friction were measured by using the mobile measuring units FSC 2000 Print and GMG 100. Furthermore, the materials were investigated by using a robot simulating human walking movements in a reproducible and realistic way, which was developed within the project. By using this robot, walking was simulated on a special plate which was connected with force sensors.
Applying the methods mentioned above, 16 different PVC-materials, 4 linoleum materials, 1 rubber material, 1 polyolefin material and 3 different safety tiles were characterised with regard to slip resistance. Additionally, the influence of 7 different cleaning and 8 different care agents was investigated using a PVC-material as an example. Only in the case of the linoleum materials the results were insufficient.
During cleaning and care measures, wax containing products should only be used if they meet certain requirements regarding slip resistance. In the case of special requirements for slip resistance, polymer dispersions in combination with high speed-treatments showed advantages compared to conventional dispersions. The influence of wear, soil and humidity was also investigated: Dust and grit as well as sliding liquids lead to reduced coefficients of sliding friction. Wear causes also a lower slip resistance.
All these negative impacts on slip resistance, however, can be compensated by suitable cleaning and care measures. Using the new testing method for the determination of sliding coefficients based on the combination of a force determination plate and a walking robot, a type test of different floor coverings is possible. The measuring range comprises values from 0.04 (slipping on a banana peel) to > 1 (static friction). In the case of mobile testing units, such values, as a rule, lead to measuring errors.
Although the mobile testing units are not suitable for the complete characterisation of slip resistance properties, they can be used to a certain extent for the determination of cleaning intervals and for checking the efficiency of measures for the improvement of slip resistance.
We would like to thank the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen “Otto von Guericke” e.V. (AiF) (Association of Industrial Research Organisations) for the financial support of the reasearch project (AiF 11754 N) funded by the budget of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs. Furthermore the wfk-Institute would like to thank different member companies for supporting the investigations.
The research report is available on request from FRT.