Development of a Method to Bind in Cytotoxics and Other Highly Effective Drugs Physically with the Aid of Gels and Foams for the Decontamination and Sampling of Surfaces (in Cooperation with the VEU, Duisburg)
AiF 99 ZN
The subject of the project which was carried out in cooperation with the Association for Environmental Technology (VEU) as AiF-member-organisation and the Institute for Energy and Environmental Technology (IUTA), the German Institute for Food Technology (DIL) and the wfk-cleaning technology research institute, was the removal of residues of cytotoxics (anticancer drugs) from e.g. surfaces in work benches. The analytical part was performed by IUTA. DIL performed the development of the binding agents and the wfk-research institute developed an application method.
Biological binding agents with a three-dimensional structure and the ability of a physical inclusion of contaminants, preferably in a non-selective way, were developed. These gelling or foam forming systems must be able to create a homogeneous film, particularly on large surfaces. The influence of relevant contaminations on the gel and foam formation was investigated.
We would like to thank the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen “Otto von Guericke” e.V. (AiF) (Association of Industrial Research Organisations) for the financial support of the reasearch project (AiF 99 ZN) funded by the budget of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs.
The research report is available on request from FRT.